Creative ART SPA

Today ART SPA takes place in our beautiful studio but you might not know how it all began. In the beginning, there was an idea, a passion, a tapping from an amazing mentor to create the amazing program I knew was needed. 

Art is an amazing part of our lives. It's not just for creative people or professional artists. It's a powerful way of communicating, connecting, healing and growing. It can do so much more than adorn our walls.


So therein lies my dream. To create a different experience for those who want to have a creative alternative activity to do. I then formulated a name, a plan, a curriculum, art supplies and found spaces that I could rent to host these classes. I filled my Rav4 will all the stuff and toted them around to host events at the chamber, a spa in Kayenta and a few other places. Then I upgraded to a 4x6 trailer up until I found the amazing space we are in now and though how much more I could do if I didn't have to be mobile. 


So if you haven't experienced it you must. Art is a way of knowing being and becoming!

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